Sign up sewing class Firstname and Lastname* Adress* Postal code* City* Mobile phonenumber* E-mail* Do you want to use your own sewing machine during the sessions?* yesno What day/time has your preference for the sewing sessions?* Are you a beginner or advanced sewist(a)? 1 is a beginner en 10 is advanced.* 12345678910 What way of payment do you choose for your subscription?* Regular subscription with 1 invoice of €290Regular subscription with 2 invoices of each €150Trial subscription with 1 invoice of €157,50 During sewing sessions sometimes photos are taken. We use the photos for marketing purposes. Please let us know if this is OK for you.* OKNot OK The subscription costs are €300/€290 per 12 sessions, the trial subscription costs €157,50 for 6 sessions. Our general terms and conditions apply.* OKNot OK Comments: How did you find us? Via FacebookVia InstagramVia a search engineVia a friendVia KidsproofVia a flyerDifferent